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Showing posts from April, 2008

Strategies for Entering Into the New Season of God

We have entered into a new season. God is bringing change in the New Testament Church. This is a day of new beginnings. Early this year I spoke to you about the first four months of this year and told you that I believed we would be fully in the new season in the fourth month of the year, April. This is a month of change. If we don’t go through the doors that are opening this month and embrace the relationships that God is bringing into our lives, then we may very well miss our opportunity to make the necessary shifts and changes that will enable us to move forward in the harvest that God has appointed for us to reach. Ecclesiastes 3:1 teaches that the Lord works and moves in seasons of time. To understand what He is doing you must understand the present season that we are in. What is God doing in this present season? He is rearranging things in our lives so that we can be positioned for our harvest. The farmer understands the different seasons. There is a season to sow, a season of cu