1 John 4:18 - “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear”
Perfect love is sincere, unselfish love that is able to have its proper influence on the soul, casting out fear and leading us into faith in God. The capacity for love is woven into the DNA, creating us in God’s image. God is love. As love grows, hope is conceived, casting out fear and producing joy. Love seeks to elevate, uplift, and inspire, considering its object as good, excellent, and worthy to be loved.
Yielding to love establishes us in peace, making this a matter of understanding, a matter of mind and choice. A lesser mind yielded to pride resists any yielding to spiritual discipline. The discipline of meditation in God’s Word produces a revelatory understanding of perfect love, guiding every thought, emotion, and word.
Over and over, our minds are transformed into seeing each circumstance through love. Love encourages more love. Nothing is greater than God’s love. God’s love is perfect love.
Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your love. I submit to all that is needed to accomplish love’s full work in my life. Let Your love grow in me and inspire others.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Beth Bailey