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A Time of Rapid Acceleration

 II Chronicles 29:36 – “Then Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced that God had prepared the people, since the events took place so suddenly.

  When I was a young boy growing up my dad bought my mom a very nice 1969 Chevrolet Caprice.  It was silver with a dark vinyl top.  I remember it being a sporty car with a powerful engine.  One of the things that I remember is my father talking about the car having a passing gear.  

A passing gear is a gear in an automatic transmission that shifts to a lower gear to provide an extra burst of power to pass slower cars on the highway. The driver activates it when the gas pedal is sharply depressed.  When the gas pedal is released the car will return to normal driving.

We are entering into a time of rapid acceleration. God is going to allow us to accomplish His purposes at an accelerated pace.  In II Chronicles we learn that King Hezekiah cleansed the temple and restored true worship.  In verse 36 we learn that these events were accomplished at an accelerated pace.

In a vehicle with a manual transmission, we have to shift gears in order to accelerate.  If we are going to experience acceleration in this season then some things must shift.  We must expect a shift to take place if we are going to experience breakthrough in an accelerated manner.  

In a recent time of prayer about this time of acceleration we are entering into, the Lord impressed me that as we make our journey of faith that we are going to encounter obstacles of the enemy in our way.  When we do things are going to shift and we are going to be able to accelerate and go around these things that would hinder our journey of faith.

To accelerate means to make something happen sooner rather than later.  The latter part of Hebrews 12:1 encourages us to “lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”  We must allow the Holy Spirit to identify and remove any hindrance that has the potential to hinder our advance.


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