All of us have heroes. People we admire, emulate, and look up to. Some even worship their hero. Cults replace the worship of God with some human personality. That personality becomes a hero to those who follow him/her. When Moses came to the end of his life God buried him away from the Israelites so that they wouldn’t set up a shrine or go to his grave and worship. God does not share His glory of worship. Jesus said in Matthew 22:37 ,“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” In recent years, our nation has had a hero deficit. We tend to lavish our attention, resources, and adulation upon the wrong kinds of heroes. Here are the top ten celebrities on Instagram: Selena Gomez: 133 million followers. ... Cristiano Ronaldo: 121 million followers. ... Ariana Grande: 117 million followers. ... BeyoncĂ©: 111 million followers. ... Kim Karda...
REVIVAL TALK is the Blog of Dr. W. Terry Bailey, Lead Pastor of South Greenwood IPHC