II Corinthians
9:6-8 – “But this I say: He
who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will
also reap bountifully. 7 So let each one give as
he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a
cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to make all grace abound
toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance
for every good work.”
subject of giving can be a controversial subject in our churches today. Some
will accuse the church of just being after their money. We must acknowledge
there have been those who abused their position of leadership to manipulate
God’s people for their own purposes. The
truth is God’s Word says a great deal about how we are to give and manage the
resources He places in our responsibility. William R. Kimball writes,
“Christian stewardship is defined as an individual’s responsibility to properly
manage everything which God has entrusted to his or her care.”[1]
Giving should be
not a legalistic obligation, but an act of worship motivated by our love and
appreciation for all He has done for us. Our stewardship should begin with the
discipline of tithing. The tithe is ten percent of our income. Malachi 3:10 instructs us “to bring all our
tithes into the storehouse.”
Elmer Towns in
his study, I Believe in Tithing, writes,
“I believe in tithing because:
Tithing obeys God
. . .
Tithing prospers
the church . . .
Tithing provides
money to win souls . . .
Tithing causes me
to grow in grace . . .
Tithing prospers
me financially . . .”[2]
In Paul’s second
letter to the Corinthians we learn, “God loves a cheerful giver.” The word cheerful
means joyous. “The word describes a
spirit of enjoyment in giving that sweeps away all restraints.”[3] There is a promise of blessing to those who
joyously give to the Lord.
Kimball, William, Learning About the
Tithe, Christian Equippers International, South Lake Tahoe, California.
Towns, Elmer, I Believe in Tithing, j.b5z.net/i/u/2115673/f/Tithing-Is-Christian-Elmer-Towns.pdf,
June 20, Page 3.
Word Wealth, The New Spirit Filled Life
Bible, Kindle Edition, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN. Kindle Location 222136.