As Believers we are part of the Kingdom of God through our
adoption into the family of God at the time of salvation. Romans 8:15 (NLT)
states, “ So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves.
Instead, you have received God’s Spirit when He adopted you as His own
children. Now we call Him Abba Father.”
We are not spiritually orphaned, existing outside of God’s
grace; we are adopted. Faith characterizes our position. Fear is the opposite
of faith. This is why the enemy uses the crippling effects of fear as his
hallmark temptation.
Terror is an obvious sign of fear, but fear has many
disguises such as stress, worry, envy, jealously, and anger. It is rooted in
false perception and exaggeration, something that is not real. Often what if statements cause my mind to
travel down an anxious path. When this happens to me, I remind myself that fear
is attributed to the enemy, and I do not have to fear anything because my
Father will take care me; even in mistakes, He will forgive me and turn all
things for my good.
I redirect my thinking from what is not real to what is real.
The truth of God’s Word is real. The truth of God’s word is proven; He is my
shield from the enemy (Psalm 18: 30). My real life is hidden with Christ in
God. This is your real life too. Really!