Have you ever asked the question, “What is the purpose for
my life?” Do you know why you were born and why you exist? There are
numbers of people throughout the world that go through life without ever
really finding
or understanding their purpose. They eat, sleep, and just try to survive.
Hopefully they will be able to please the god they worship enough that they will
go to heaven or some paradise when they die.
The Bible teaches that life has greater meaning than just
eating, sleeping, and hopefully discovering after we die if there is an
afterlife. In Genesis 1:26 we learn
that humanity was made in the image and likeness of God."
The Bible reveals that we were created to
worship and to have fellowship with a living God, but a sad set of
circumstances prevailed. In Genesis 3
we learn of man's sin that brought about a
separation from God.
The Bible tells us in the New Testament book
Romans that we are all born as sinners and separated from God. We don't know Him nor
are we able to have
fellowship with God.
Most religions never enable us to find our
true purpose.
Religion tells us that if we will do certain deeds and subscribe to certain
teachings that we might earn a place in heaven or some kind of paradise.
Multitudes who subscribe to these teachings go through life without much meaning
or purpose. They live with little expectancy and little hope.
Do you want to be different than those
without any
hope? Then you must come to know Jesus. The Lord Jesus Christ came to this earth
to be a bridge that spanned the gulf that separated sinful humanity from a
loving God. The Bible reveals in John
1:12, "But as many as receive Him, to them He gave the right to become
children of God, to those who believe of
His name."
The way to discover your purpose and to live
a life of real meaning is simply to know the Lord Jesus Christ. God has
made provision for us to know His eternal Son. Romans 10:9-10 gives these simple instructions: "That if you confess
with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him
from the dead, you will be saved." "For
with the heart one believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation."
Would you like to know Christ as Lord and receive
Him as your Savior? Then pray this
prayer: “Lord
Jesus, I confess my sins to you and ask you to forgive them. Please come into
my heart and become Lord of my life. I promise to serve you and to live for you as you give me strength.”