There is a passage of Scripture in
the New Testament about the disciple Peter’s action when Christ was arrested
and tried before His crucifixion.
Matthew 26:58 reads, “But Peter followed him afar off unto the high
priest's palace, and went in, and sat with the servants, to see the end.”
Peter followed the Lord from a
distance. This is the same individual that earlier made this declaration, “ I
am ready to go with You, both to prison and to death.” Luke the Physician records the events that
took place a few hours on that same night.
In Luke 22:57, “But he denied Him, saying, “Woman, I do not know
How quick things can change. Peter was the outspoken disciple. He was the disciple who declared, “You are
the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
In just a few short hours he went from a willingness to die to denial.
Most believers will acknowledge that
there is a great need for a visitation of God’s Spirit today. Perhaps you have joined others who have
prayed for visitation. In your heart
today you acknowledge the need of revival in our community and our nation.
Ralph Mahoney defines revival as
follows: “God Came.” “That is the
summation of what we mean by revival – God coming.” Currently we are experiencing a visitation of
God’s Spirit in our church and city. We
sense that God has sovereignly chosen this time to visit His people.
The question is “Will we make time
for Him?” Are you willing to adjust your
schedule to spend time in His presence?
I recently read this quote from Joyce Meyer, “Decide that you don’t mind
being inconvenienced or interrupted, and God will use you to make a
If we are going to experience divine
visitation and revival then we must be willing to be inconvenienced or
interrupted. Are you willing to be
flexible? Are you willing to change what
you are doing so that you and your family can experience His love and