Jesus Passion Week – Tuesday
The Widow’s Mite
Luke 21:1-4; Mark 12:41
of the most fascinating studies in the Word of God is the study of what
transpired on each day of our Lord’s passion week. On Sunday He rode into Jerusalem on a lowly
donkey to exuberant praise. On Monday He
cleansed the Temple and overturned the tables of those who were exchanging
money and selling doves.
Tuesday, the next day, He is again in the temple. In Mark’s Gospel we learn that Jesus sat near
the offering box and He observed how the crowd tossed money in for the
collection. We learn that those who were
rich gave large gifts. In verse 42 from
the Message Bible we learn, “One poor widow came up and put in two small coins
– a measly two cents.”
verse 43 this became a teachable moment.
“Jesus called His disciples over and said, ‘The truth is that this poor
widow gave more to the collection than all the others put together.’” Most today would scoff at such an
insignificant gift. We would celebrate
the large contributions and honor the generous donors.
ways are different. Listen to how Jesus
describes her gift in verse 44 from the Message Bible, “All the others gave
what they’ll never miss; she gave extravagantly what she couldn’t afford – she
gave her all.” We are in a season that
celebrates the fact that “Christ gave His all.”
He gave His best at the cross of Calvary.
can you be extravagant in what you give to God today? Are you extravagant in your praise? Have you made Jesus Lord of everything in
your life? Have you given your best to Him?
William McDowell wrote a song entitled, “I Give Myself Away.” It is a popular song that is being sung in
churches all around our nation. The
words to the second verse read:
my heart
Take my life
As a living sacrifice
All my dreams all my plans
Lord I place them in your hands
Take my life
As a living sacrifice
All my dreams all my plans
Lord I place them in your hands
Why not make the words of this verse
your prayer today? What do you need to
give to God? What do you need to place
in His hands?
Dr. W. Terry Bailey,
Senior Pastor