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Entering Into 2009

In Deut. 1:6 “The LORD our God spoke to us in Horeb, saying: ‘You have dwelt long enough at this mountain.'" Verse 7 - "Turn and take your journey." The Lord told the children of Israel, “You have been at this mountain long enough.” I believe it is time to move from this mountain. God is calling us from the wilderness into our inheritance.

2008 has been a year of "New Beginnings." It has been a year to embrace the new things that God longs to bring into our lives and ministry. I believe that God is giving us the following new things:

1) A New Assignment
2) A New Territory
3) A New Mantle

Recently I was praying and asked the Lord, “Why have we had a hard time getting traction in the New Season that began in 2008? I believe that God gave me two reasons for why it seems that we have had a hard time getting traction in the “new season” of God:

1) As I was meditating on new beginnings I realized that God always starts a new thing with a seed. The Bible tells us in Zechariah 4:10 – “For who has despised the day of small things?” The new beginning has been seeded down inside us and 2009 will be a year to bring it forth and see it come to fruition.
2) God always begins a new day at night. Genesis 1:4 – “So the evening and the morning were the first day.” So we won’t miss it – He then repeats it in verse 8 – “And the evening and the morning were the second day.”

Anytime that God brings us into a new day He always begins it at night. There will always be warfare involved in entering into your new day. The first months of last year were some of the most difficult that I have encountered in a long time. Some of you have been in the night season. Persevere so that you can enter into your morning of joy. “Weeping endures for the night, but joy comes in the morning

This year, 2009 will be a year to “taste and see that the Lord is good.” We are going to taste the goodness of God. I believe that 2009 will be a year to pass through some narrow places, but it will also be a time to experience “supernatural provision.” It will also be a year to embrace change.

I believe that we have a window of opportunity to embrace the changes that God longs to bring both in our personal life and in our corporate life in the next few months. The winds of change are blowing, therefore we must put up our sails and allow the wind to carry us to our destination. 2009 will be a year to embrace change. I must caution you that yesterday’s methods, and yesterday’s anointing will not be sufficient in the coming year.

2009 will have some unique challenges and some unique opportunities. The changes that we must embrace are going to require faith and courage on our part. I believe it is imperative that we embrace what God is going to do, because if we don’t we may miss our moment and fail to enter into our inheritance as the people of God. The face of the church is changing. Everybody is not happy with the changes that we are experiencing. I must caution you that the changes we are to embrace are born of the Spirit of God.

Revelation 4:1 reads, “After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, ‘Come up here, and I will show you thing which must take place after this.”This door standing open in heaven represents the door of revelation and breakthrough. The Lord spoke to John and invited him into this open door of revelation.

There are three things that took place in John’s life:

1) Come up – John was called to go up to the next level.
2) I will show you things to come – Jesus has a lot to tell us and show us.
3) I was in the Spirit – Some doors will take you into the supernatural.

What is God doing? Where is He taking us as a people?
  • This is the year to wear the apostolic mantle that He has ordained for us to wear.
  • This is the year to enter into “new season anointing” that He has for us.
  • This is the year to establish the relationships that will open doors and become kingdom connections in our lives.
  • This is the year to allow God to give birth to what He has seeded down inside you.

The year 2009 will be both exciting and challenging. Let me encourage you to pray for direction so that you can move forward and see the prophetic promises that God has made to us become a reality in our lives.


Doug Beacham said…
Really appreciate your insights into 08 as being times of "seed" and the Lord working at "night." Believing that 09 will be a time of fulfillment and revelation for you, the church, and IPHC around the world. Doug Beacham

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