What is God doing? He is shaking the earth!
In these last days He is doing a new thing. Isaiah 43:19 prophesies of our day. "Behold, I do a new thing, now it shall spring forth." This is that "now time." In this "now time" God is raising up His last day church to be a new breed! This church is going to cast off the restraints of religion and take on a new level of freedom. Are you ready to move in a new level of freedom? A religious spirit is a condemning spirit. God desires His people to be liberated through the power of the Holy Spirit and learn to live in freedom, to enjoy your walk and relationship with Him, and to receive our strength through the joy that flows out of that relationship.
He is doing a new thing. God is assigning you a new territory. He is enlarging our sphere of authority. Webster’s Dictionary defines a territory as the following:
1. “A geographic area belonging to or under the jurisdiction of a governmental authority.”
2. “An assigned area.”
Our territory is linked to our assignment. We have an assigned territory. That territory is defined by your boundaries. In
Henry Cloud and John Townsend define boundaries in their book, “Boundaries.”
1. Boundaries can be physical – These help us to determine who may touch us and under what circumstances.
2. Boundaries can be mental – These give us freedom to deal with our own feelings, attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, choices, values, limits, talents, thoughts and desires. This will allow us to disengage from the manipulative emotions of others.
3. Boundaries can also be spiritual – These help us to distinguish God’s will from our own and give us a renewed awe for our Creator. Spiritual boundaries also protect our beliefs and faith.
Dr. Chuck Pierce writes, “There is and will continue to be a great war over boundaries. Individuals, people groups and entire nations will be jostling for authority through expansion of their boundaries.” God is assigning a new territory. That territory is a physical territory. What God calls us to do is tied to a place, a geographical place.
In this "now time" you must define your boundaries, because your supply will come from within those boundaries. How do we define our boundaries? We allow the Lord to define them for us. In
God has a new assignment it will require a new anointing, and it will involve a new territory. Let me encourage you to move into your new territory and to begin building for the future.