One of the greatest disciplines available to the New Testament Church is the discipline of fasting. Fasting is a powerful tool in our arsenal. We are called to fast and pray. Pastor Mahesh Chavda writes, “Nearly every Christian I have talked with has had some questions and misconceptions about fasting.” Fasting is a discipline that we have neglected in the twenty first century church.
This fast is to prepare God's people for Spiritual leadership for the new season we are entering into. This new season will bring unprecedented change into our personal lives and our society. How are we going to embrace the new things we are entering into? Are we going to make a decision that we are going to awake from our slumber and let the world know that we are here! Most churches in America have fallen asleep. We are caught up in materialism and the pursuit of pleasure instead of doing the perfect will of God. Our society is in trouble.
This troubled society demands a response from the church. We are called to influence our culture. Where do we start? We start by humbling ourselves through prayer and fasting. Why do we need to fast? Because fasting is God’s chosen method of awakening the church and giving us a conquering spirit! To fast is to abstain from food, pleasure, or fun with the goal of drawing closer to God.
Fred Hartley says, "The first time I heard someone talk about fasting, I thought, 'They must be a little odd-almost weird.' Let's be honest. Eating is only one of our bodily appetites, but it is the granddaddy of them all. The sheer thought of denying that appetite triggers unsolicited, rebellious cries of protest."
We are a people who love to eat. Our highways are lined with all kinds of wonderful places to eat. We live in a day of Taco Houses, pizza parlors, burger joints, diners, and cafeterias. To fast cuts across our culture. We do lunch together. We discuss business over a meal. A great deal of money exchanges hands in America today at lunch or supper. When we want to spend time with our families we do it at mealtime.
God is calling us to fast to prepare us for the days that lie ahead. To position us for the changes that He is bringing to the Body of Christ and to our society at large. Mahesh Chavda writes in his book, “The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting,” “There are 12 specific benefits of the ‘fast that God has chosen listed in the Book of Isaiah.’”
1. Revelation – “Then your light shall break forth like the morning…”
2. Healing and Wholeness – “Your healing shall spring forth speedily….”
3. Righteousness – “Your righteousness shall go before you…”
4. The glory of the Lord (Presence) - “The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.”
5. Answered prayers – “Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer…..”
6. Continual guidance – “The Lord will guide you continually…”
7. Contentment – “then your light shall dawn in the darkness”
8. Refreshing – and satisfy your soul in drought
9. Strength – “and strengthen your bones;
10. A work that endures (like an ever-flowing spring) – “and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.”
11. Raising up future generations – “you shall raise up the foundations of many generations….”
12. Restoration – “and you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, and the Restorer of streets to dwell in.”
2. Healing and Wholeness – “Your healing shall spring forth speedily….”
3. Righteousness – “Your righteousness shall go before you…”
4. The glory of the Lord (Presence) - “The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.”
5. Answered prayers – “Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer…..”
6. Continual guidance – “The Lord will guide you continually…”
7. Contentment – “then your light shall dawn in the darkness”
8. Refreshing – and satisfy your soul in drought
9. Strength – “and strengthen your bones;
10. A work that endures (like an ever-flowing spring) – “and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.”
11. Raising up future generations – “you shall raise up the foundations of many generations….”
12. Restoration – “and you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, and the Restorer of streets to dwell in.”
We need to get serious about deliverance. We have a decision to make. Are we going to get desperate about salvation and deliverance? When we put the same effort into our prayer meetings and our times of fasting and prayer that we do in our fellowship events then we will see our sons and daughters born again and serving the Lord. My prayer is that we will see what God sees – broken people all around us who are in bondage. They are broken, hurting, and desperate under demonizing influences. These are the ones that are delivered through prayer and fasting. Jesus said, “These kind come out except by prayer and fasting.”
It is time for the church of Jesus Christ to rise up in God’s glory. We have been called to set the captives free, and the Lord has provided mighty weapons to pull down the strongholds that have entangled and hold people in bondage. Everyone seeking deliverance from an entangling sin or chronic weakness needs to get serious about prayer and fasting. If parents want to see their children healed or set free from demonic oppression, then they need to get serious about prayer and fasting for their children. We must humble ourselves and become desperate before the Lord!
What will be the result of humbling yourself through fasting and prayer? Six things will take place when you fast:
1. You are humbling yourself
2. You will see life’s priorities more clearly.
3. You will see balance return to areas of your life where there is imbalance.
4. Your selfish ambition and pride will begin to be washed away.
5. You will be more sensitive to God’s Spirit, and the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit will work more effectively in your life.
6. Your hidden areas of weakness or susceptibility will rise to the surface so that God can deal with them.
7. God will make you more unselfish.
2. You will see life’s priorities more clearly.
3. You will see balance return to areas of your life where there is imbalance.
4. Your selfish ambition and pride will begin to be washed away.
5. You will be more sensitive to God’s Spirit, and the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit will work more effectively in your life.
6. Your hidden areas of weakness or susceptibility will rise to the surface so that God can deal with them.
7. God will make you more unselfish.