1 John 1:7 – “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” In the church I attended growing up, we frequently sang a beautiful hymn entitled, Nothing but the blood. It begins with a question, “What can wash away my sin?” and then answers, “Nothing but the blood of Jesus.” People are asking the same question today, “What can wash away my sin. In Jeremiah 2:22 the Prophet writes, “’Although you wash yourself with soap and use an abundance of cleansing powder, the stain of your guilt is still before me,’ declares the Sovereign Lord” (NIV). Sin results in condemnation, guilt, and shame. When Adam sinned, he was ashamed. We learn in Genesis 3:10, he hid from the Lord because he was naked and afraid. Jesus came to liberate us from the ...
REVIVAL TALK is the Blog of Dr. W. Terry Bailey, Lead Pastor of South Greenwood IPHC