Proverbs 3:9-10 –
““Honor the Lord with your capital and sufficiency [from righteous labors] and
with the firstfruits of all your income; 10So shall your storage
places be filled with plenty, and your vats shall be overflowing with new
wine.” (AMP)
believer who grows in maturity will put God first in his/her finances. The Bible promises God will open the windows
of heaven over those who are faithful to give tithe and offerings (Malachi
3:9-10). Billy Graham said, “If a man
gets his attitude toward money straight, it will straighten out almost every
other area of his life.”
must be first in every area of our lives.
Jesus instructed us to “seek first the kingdom of God and His
righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). Money can
be a touchy subject in church. In our society ministers are accused of
preaching on money for personal gain. So
many avoid the subject. This is
detrimental to the believer.
Bible has a great deal to say about finances.
Money is a tool God puts into our hands to accomplish His purposes in
the earth. One out of every six verses in the Gospels deals with
stewardship. Sixteen out of thirty-eight
parables of our Lord deal with money.
More is said about stewardship in the Bible than about heaven, hell, or
prayer. There are five-hundred plus
verses on both prayer and faith, but over two thousand verses dealing with
money and possessions.
is an act of worship. We honor the Lord
when we give a firstfruit offering. Dr.
Frank Damazio gives the following reasons we are to give our tithe and
offerings as an act of worship to the Lord:
- “Giving activates divine law that releases the work of God in our private world.”
- The tithe is an acknowledgement that all we have belongs to the Lord.
- The tithe is the sacred portion that we set aside as the Lord’s. It is holy.
- The tithe is to be given as an act of spiritual obedience.
- Tithing is a token of consecration that one has surrendered all and made Him Lord.
- The tithe is the acknowledgement of ownership that God is owner of all and I am only a steward or trustee over my human estate.[1]
Jesus addresses
our attitudes concerning our financial life in Matthew 6:21, “For where your
treasure is, there your heart will be also.” One of the most important
disciplines to develop as a true disciple is to make Jesus Lord over your