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Don't Forget to Remember

Always remember that God leads us by peace. We need to be sensitive to move forward according to the witness of peace, whether it is from what God says or from what God does not say. Our human tendency is to live by our feelings.  The enemy takes advantage of this and wants to get our emotions stirred up. The enemy would like to suppress, repress, depress, and oppress us.  He uses pressure to press us. Pressure can come in many ways: stress, illness, rejection, regret, guilt, fear, and trauma to name a few.

The enemy often comes with disappointment as his first attempt at our emotions. The moment we encounter disappointment is the time to deal with that emotion. His scheme continues with discouragement, resentment, self-pity, anger, bitterness, criticalness, rejection and error. In all of this, the enemy is actually accusing God of not performing His word.  His ultimate goal and purpose of any attack is to get us to believe that God is not good. He knows that as long as we are in agreement with God, we can have all that God has to offer.

Our emotions are linked with desire and our desire must be for the Lord in order to stay out of this cycle. It is human nature to think of what we don’t have or to concentrate on the negative when we don’t see an immediate way out of negative circumstances. We can agree with God and all that He says about us or we can agree with the negative emotions fueled by the enemy.   

What do we do when we find ourselves entering in this cycle?  We must keep believing in what we know is true. Ephesians 1:11 states, “Move forward in faith, confident that He holds everything together according to the counsel of His will.” We must reject any thought, feeling, or intention that does not bring peace. Then, we will be strengthened and have success.  

Proverbs 3:5-6 states, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.” Success is moving forward and not living in the pain and regret of the past. Jeremiah 29:11 states, “He has plans of good and not evil, to give us a future and a hope.” This means that we have abundant life. God is good and He will always have a better plan.

We cannot deny the issues we face. But, we must realize the issue is the fact of the matter and what the Word says about it is the truth of the matter. The truth will become the end result if we stay in agreement with it.

Meditation in the Word guards the mind, and like a lamp exposes the dark places of doubt and unbelief that cause us to question the goodness of God. Hebrews 4:12 says, “The Word of God is living and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” This means the Word brings us life. Our bone marrow carries the life of the Word through our bodies. This is supernatural healing. God is the Father of our spirit so He can change us from the inside out.

Human nature struggles to stay in control. It will present an argument against the Word. To the degree which the Word of God is settled in our hearts predicts whether we will obey its leading. Our limitations in this are defined by anything we are not sure God will handle. To change we must learn to release all things to the Lord and receive His peace in return. It is a divine exchange that happens in our sacrifice of praise.

When we worship, the Lord of Peace, Yahweh Shalom, brings wholeness, security, and wellbeing. In worship we encounter God’s love, delivering and healing us.  In worship God pours His glory into our deepest being. It is the deep of Him going into the deep of us. Worship is our time to remember the goodness of God. Don’t forget to remember.

Beth Bailey


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