The Book of
Revelation is an apocalyptic book of future events. It gives us a prophetic
look into the consummation of the ages.
It has been titled the Revelation of John, because the Apostle John
authored this great work. In reality it should be titled, “The Revelation of
the Lord Jesus Christ.”
The first
eight verses reveal the Lord Jesus Christ as the central figure of this
Revelation. Verse 1 reveals Jesus as the channel of the Word and testimony of
God. Verse
2 teaches that He is the source of blessings. Verse 3
promises His blessings to those who hear and keep the words of this
continues in Verse 5, “He is the faithful witness, the first born
of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. “ He is revealed to
be the source of all grace who loves and cleanses us through His shed
The first
eight verses are a commentary on the Lord Jesus Christ. The verses of chapter one reveal Him as a
Prophet, Priest, and King. In Verse 7 there is a promise that He will
come back again. "Behold He comes with clouds; and every eye shall see Him."
The Lord
continues His revelation to John in Verse
8, "’I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, says the
Lord,’ who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." Who is this Jesus, who claims to be the Alpha
and Omega? Who is this Jesus, who makes
the statement, “I am the beginning and the ending?”
Alpha and
Omega is the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. This scripture reveals that Christ is our A-Z
and everything in between. John
continues, “Who was, who is, and who is to come.” What a promise we have from the Christ of
Christmas season recognizes His birth.
In the four Gospels we have record of His humanity, His ministry and
miracles, and His death and resurrection.
In the first chapter of Acts we witness His ascension, but in Revelation
we see Him as the exalted Lord.
He is the
God who is. We learn in Psalms 46:1 that our Lord is “An ever present help in time of trouble.” John continues, “He is the one who was.” The
Scriptures teach that He is the seed of the woman, the baby born in Bethlehem,
and the baby that Mary wrapped in swaddling clothes and cuddled in her arms.
In the
latter part of Revelation 1:8, we have this promise, “Who is to come.” He
promises that He will come back again. John 14:2-3 reads, “I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a
place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am,
there you may be also.”
What a
comforting thought from the pen of the Apostle John. The Christ of Revelation is our ever present help in time of trouble, and He is our soon
coming King.