We are living in what
the Bible defines as the last days. That
is why the Lord is encouraging every believer to rebuild the altar of prayer in
our personal lives. Most believers will
admit that they have struggled in their personal times of prayer. I believe that we must rebuild and strengthen
our personal altar of prayer.
Our personal altar of
prayer is the place where we meet with God for our devotion and quiet time. It
can be a particular place and time. It can be a particular room in your
home such as your study, den or bedroom. We must make it a priority to set
aside time to pray and listen for the instructions of the Holy Spirit.
Our personal altar
will be a place of personal visitation. Why not schedule out a time to
meet with the Lord on a daily basis. I believe that He longs to spend
time in fellowship and communion with His children. In Revelation 3:20
John records the words of Jesus, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If
anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with
him, and he with Me.”(NKJV)
No one in the
Scripture was called a friend, or a minister of God who did not develop and
maintain a strong personal prayer life. God not only wants us to work for
Him, but also to walk with Him in relationship. Our Lord is looking to
partner with us in fulfilling His kingdom plans.
Those who are
successful in the work of the Lord understand the power of the personal prayer
altar. To be successful in our walk and relationship with Christ we must
develop a solid personal altar of prayer.