Most would agree that we are living
in what the New Testament calls the last days.
Over the years I have heard numerous messages and read materials about
the end times, Biblical prophecy, and the last days. Very often when we are teaching
on matters concerning the end time we tend to view it only in negative
The truth is that these are wonderful
days to be alive. Why are these exciting days?
We have been chosen to be part of the climax of prophecy and perhaps be
the generation that witnesses the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
How are we to live and conduct
ourselves in light of the coming of the Lord?
The Bible instructs us in Luke 19:13 that we are to “Occupy till He
comes.” Our responsibility in these last
days is to infuse the world around us with salt and light. Matthew 5:14 gives very clear insight into
this mission. “You are the light of the
world. A city that is set on a hill
cannot be hidden.”
We are living in changing times. We must prayerfully study the Word of God and
ask the Holy Spirit to empower us to navigate the times we are living in. The Lord works and moves in seasons. We must be like the Sons of Issachar in I
Chronicles 12:32. “Of the sons of
Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.”
In times of transition and change
there are four things that we must be mindful of. They are as follows:
– Remember God is not the author of confusion.
– in the form of intimidation. “For God has not given us the spirit of fear.”
– Satan is our adversary, and he is seeking whom he may devour.
– Don’t allow the enemy to rob you of valuable relationships through petty
I want to encourage you to not allow
the enemy to distract and discourage you in this season. Jesus reminds us in Luke 21:28 that when you
see distress, perplexity, and humanity in great difficulty to “look up and lift
up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
Pastor W. Terry Bailey