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Prayer for Financial Breakthrough

Heavenly Father,

We give You love, glory, and honor. We declare that You are worthy of praise. We, at South Greenwood PHC, join together in steadfast faith as we lift our fasting and prayer to You (Matt 6).

We thank You for sending Your Son to conquer all things for us, causing us to be more than conquerors (Rom. 8:37).
We thank You that, in His name, power is released for all that we need (Mark 16:17). We know You reward those who diligently seek You (Heb. 11:6). We rejoice that You are eager to answer prayer and that You delight in answering prayer (Gen. 15:2; Matt. 6:13).

We bind the spirit of poverty and loose the finances necessary to operate all ministries at SGPHC (Mal. 3:10; Deut. 2:7; Deut. 8:18) We ask that Your truth penetrate every mindset hindering Your progress at SGPHC.
We ask that obedience to Your word in giving be established and strengthened (Mal.3).  Cause Your people to see the truth about being faithful to You as You are always faithful to them.

Break the power of idolatry that seeks to influence people to compromise biblical principles. Cause Your people to desire to know You, to know Your word, and to obey Your word.
Cause Your people to desire You more than entertainment and temporal pleasures. We ask that Your people be faithful in church attendance.

Cause Your people to recognize Your leading (Ps. 143:8-12).
Cause them to be concerned about loyalty to You, to Your house, and to Your purposes.
Reveal Yourself to Your people. Cause them to take You seriously.

We commit our way to You, asking for an awesome work to be done among Your people at SGPHC (Ps. 66:3).
Do exceedingly, abundantly above whatever we ask or think (Eph. 3:20).

Let Your presence be tangible as we wait on You (Ps. 46:10).
Let a new song of praise arise out of calamity (Ps. 57:1).

Sustain us that we will not be moved (Ps. 56:22).
Grant wisdom, knowledge, understanding, success, and favor over Your people (Neh. 1:5).
Let Your people be blessed (Deut. 7:14).

In Jesus Name, Amen.
Beth Bailey


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