A Divine Interruption
Luke 7:11-18
In this passage of Scripture there is a wonderful miracle that took place in the life of a lonely widow in the city of Nain. Nain was located about ten miles southeast of Nazareth, just south of Mt. Tabor. It is about a day’s journey southwest of Capernaum, where Jesus had healed the Centurion’s servant.
This story is a story of conquest and compassion! It is a demonstration of God’s miraculous power on behalf of a lonely widow who had lost her only son. Verse 12 gives record of this widow’s plight, “A dead man was being carried out, the only son of his mother; and she was a widow.”
In our culture when we are passed by a funeral procession we pull over to the side of the road as a sign of respect. In the Jewish culture of this time when people would meet a funeral session they would join with the mourners in the procession. Jesus does more than just join with this broken hearted mother and those who mourned with her.
Luke writes in verse 13, “When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, ‘Do not weep.’” The Bible says that Jesus saw her need. A mother had lost her son and her only means of support. She was poor, brokenhearted and oppressed. What did Jesus do? He had compassion on her and told her, “Do not weep.”
Why does Luke record the words, “He had compassion on her?” Because compassion will move you to action. Jesus didn’t have pity for her, His compassion for her moved Him to act on her behalf. One definition of compassion is, “The deep feeling of sharing the suffering of another in the inclination to give aid or support, or to show mercy.”1
That’s what I love about Jesus. Most people would feel sorry for this lady, but He does something to turn her hopeless situation around. Luke records the miracle in verse 14, “Then He came and touched the open coffin, and those who carried him stood still. And He said, Young man, I say to you arise.”
What started out as a day of devastation ended in praise and jubilation. Verse 15, “And he who was dead sat up and began to speak. And He presented Him to his mother.” Perhaps you have been the recipient of a bad report? Like this widow you are facing difficult circumstances. I have good news today. The same Jesus who disrupted a funeral procession can intervene in your circumstance today. He is moved with compassion for you. He is concerned for your plight. Why not pray and ask Him for a divine interruption into your life today.
1 “American Heritage Dictionary,” College Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1980.
Luke 7:11-18
In this passage of Scripture there is a wonderful miracle that took place in the life of a lonely widow in the city of Nain. Nain was located about ten miles southeast of Nazareth, just south of Mt. Tabor. It is about a day’s journey southwest of Capernaum, where Jesus had healed the Centurion’s servant.
This story is a story of conquest and compassion! It is a demonstration of God’s miraculous power on behalf of a lonely widow who had lost her only son. Verse 12 gives record of this widow’s plight, “A dead man was being carried out, the only son of his mother; and she was a widow.”
In our culture when we are passed by a funeral procession we pull over to the side of the road as a sign of respect. In the Jewish culture of this time when people would meet a funeral session they would join with the mourners in the procession. Jesus does more than just join with this broken hearted mother and those who mourned with her.
Luke writes in verse 13, “When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, ‘Do not weep.’” The Bible says that Jesus saw her need. A mother had lost her son and her only means of support. She was poor, brokenhearted and oppressed. What did Jesus do? He had compassion on her and told her, “Do not weep.”
Why does Luke record the words, “He had compassion on her?” Because compassion will move you to action. Jesus didn’t have pity for her, His compassion for her moved Him to act on her behalf. One definition of compassion is, “The deep feeling of sharing the suffering of another in the inclination to give aid or support, or to show mercy.”1
That’s what I love about Jesus. Most people would feel sorry for this lady, but He does something to turn her hopeless situation around. Luke records the miracle in verse 14, “Then He came and touched the open coffin, and those who carried him stood still. And He said, Young man, I say to you arise.”
What started out as a day of devastation ended in praise and jubilation. Verse 15, “And he who was dead sat up and began to speak. And He presented Him to his mother.” Perhaps you have been the recipient of a bad report? Like this widow you are facing difficult circumstances. I have good news today. The same Jesus who disrupted a funeral procession can intervene in your circumstance today. He is moved with compassion for you. He is concerned for your plight. Why not pray and ask Him for a divine interruption into your life today.
1 “American Heritage Dictionary,” College Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1980.