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Entering into 2010

The year 2010 is an important because it is the first year in a new decade. It is hard to believe that we are now ten years into the 21st Century. We are entering into the second decade of the 21st Century. Why is the first year important? Because we must position ourselves in this coming new year. The way we respond to what God says to us and where He places us will establish us for the upcoming decade.

I have recently been praying for direction for the new year. What does God have for us in 2010? Why do we need prophetic direction for the coming year? We need prophetic direction so that we can consecrate ourselves and draw closer to God. We need direction so that we can enter into all that God has for us as His people. Amos 3:7 reads, "“Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.”

Dr. Chuck Pierce recently taught, “We need to understand the times and the seasons of the Lord, Pierce explained how the church has come to an intersection, in which the constraints in spiritual giftings and finances, and the perpetual 'here-we-go-around-the-mountain-again' syndrome, that were a hallmark of the last season, will finally be broken off as we enter a new direction and a new season.”

I believe that the following will be important prayer points as we enter into 2010:

1. Genesis 26 is an important chapter for this coming year. In this coming year we are going to dig some new wells and also redig some old wells. These wells were inherited by Isaac from his father, Abraham. This will be a year redig the wells of our fathers.

2. It is very important that we correctly respond to the voice of God in this year. Revelation 2:7 – “He that hath an ear let Him hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.” Denny Cramer writes, "“As each Believer walks in obedience, all negative "hearing" FILTERS—blockages, hindrances, and restrictions that affect our hearing the voice of God—will be removed." (Recent Elijah List Posting @ There will be continued change in this year. There will be political changes, governmental changes, and economic changes that continue in this New Year. It is imperative that we are led by the Holy Spirit in this season of time.

3. There will be persecution of Christians, churches, and Christian organizations. Some will come under open attack and have to defend themselves in court. Revival and persecution go hand and hand. You cannot have one without the other. The Devil always opposes the work of God. The Apostle Paul writes these words in
1 Corinthians 16:9 – “For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.”

4. This will be a year to get established and to enter into your inheritance. Psalms 16:15 reads, "O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my cup." Our inheritance not only includes spiritual things. It also can include physical inheritance or material things that God has set aside for each of us. “God has a specific interest in each of us as individuals. Each of us has an inheritance that is uniquely our own.” This includes your individual destiny, or that which Go desires to do through you.

5. This is the year that some of you will be given a new assignment. Some of you are going to be relocated. This is a transitional year and some will be moving to a new location.

6. We are entering into a season of revival and awakening, but this must be preceded by a call to consecration and repentance. Dennis Cramer writes, “It is time for the Church to clean up her act. "The filthiness of the flesh AND OF THE SPIRIT…" will be eradicated from the Church." Joel 1:14 – “Consecrate a fast, call a sacred assembly; gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the LORD your God, and cry out to the LORD.

As we enter into 2010 we must do so prayerfully. Many in the Body of Christ are beginning the year in prayer and fasting. I encourage each of you to humble yourselves and seek God's assignment for you in this new year.


reatha said…
Pastor Bailey,

I believe this is a true word to all of us individually and well as the church universal. May we all be hearer and doer of the word . Continue to be the voice that cries this is what the Lord is saying to his beloved people.

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