We are currently live in a changing world. Over the last two years the world has changed drastically and will continue to do so in the coming year. The church must learn how to discern the changing seasons. We must allow the Holy Spirit to teach us how to embrace what God is doing and when to enter into a new season. We are in the closing days of 2009 and about to enter into 2010.
What does God have for us in the coming year? I believe that Genesis 26 is a key chapter to read and study for the coming year. This will be a year to redig some wells that have been stolen and stopped up by the enemy. It will also be a year to dig new wells. I believe that 2010 will be a year of movement. Some reading this posting have been sensing a geographical change coming, but just don't know where. God is going to bring things in focus in the coming year and put the pieces together for you.
There are four different winds of adversity that are going to come against the believer in this season of God. We should expect adversity as we enter into the new season that God has for us. The first wind of adversity that you are going to encounter will be frustration.
Frustration is defined as “a deep chronic sense or state of insecurity and dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs.” The Merriman Dictionary continues, " Frustration is a common emotional response to opposition. Related to and anger and dissapointment it arises from the perceived resistance to the fulfillment of individual will."
One lesson I have learned is that there are going to be some disappointments in life.You are going to have plans that get disrupted, delayed, and sometimes people are going to disappoint or fail you. Frustration can result from perceived delays in fulfillment of our destiny. Delays are not always denials, but preparation for the fulfillment of the prophetic prophecies over our lives. You cannot control what happens to you or what other people are going to do, but you can control how you respond to it.
One of the winds of adversity that we are going to experience in this season is going to be frustration. Many of God’s chosen warriors have walked through times of frustration. Loren Broadus, Lexington Theological Seminary writes, “A frustrated person cannot accomplish much because frustration blocks creativity, wastes time and energy as it divides the individual.”
Frustration can result from how we perceive our circumstances. I believe that frustration can be a sign that our breakthrough is near. Frustration is often one of the last signs that we are near to experiencing our breakthrough.
What does God have for us in the coming year? I believe that Genesis 26 is a key chapter to read and study for the coming year. This will be a year to redig some wells that have been stolen and stopped up by the enemy. It will also be a year to dig new wells. I believe that 2010 will be a year of movement. Some reading this posting have been sensing a geographical change coming, but just don't know where. God is going to bring things in focus in the coming year and put the pieces together for you.
There are four different winds of adversity that are going to come against the believer in this season of God. We should expect adversity as we enter into the new season that God has for us. The first wind of adversity that you are going to encounter will be frustration.
Frustration is defined as “a deep chronic sense or state of insecurity and dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs.” The Merriman Dictionary continues, " Frustration is a common emotional response to opposition. Related to and anger and dissapointment it arises from the perceived resistance to the fulfillment of individual will."
One lesson I have learned is that there are going to be some disappointments in life.You are going to have plans that get disrupted, delayed, and sometimes people are going to disappoint or fail you. Frustration can result from perceived delays in fulfillment of our destiny. Delays are not always denials, but preparation for the fulfillment of the prophetic prophecies over our lives. You cannot control what happens to you or what other people are going to do, but you can control how you respond to it.
One of the winds of adversity that we are going to experience in this season is going to be frustration. Many of God’s chosen warriors have walked through times of frustration. Loren Broadus, Lexington Theological Seminary writes, “A frustrated person cannot accomplish much because frustration blocks creativity, wastes time and energy as it divides the individual.”
Frustration can result from how we perceive our circumstances. I believe that frustration can be a sign that our breakthrough is near. Frustration is often one of the last signs that we are near to experiencing our breakthrough.
God has an assignment for you, but before you enter into it you might have to pass through frustration. Psalms 37:8 NET – “Do not be angry and frustrated! Do not fret! That only leads to trouble!”How do I deal with frustration? The following five simple principals will help you deal with frustration.
- Understand the source of your frustration. What are the problems, unrealized expectations that are causing you to experience this frustration?
- Prioritize your problems. Are they severe? Are they just irritants? Your problems are probably not as severe as you think. Just look around and you will find people who have greater problems than you. (Don’t be so self-absorbed)!
- Understand that what you are going through is temporary. Some of the most encouraging words in the Bible are “it came to pass.”
- Take the frustration to God in prayer. Sometimes you need to vent. Talking about the problem will relieve the tension. Take it to God – Elijah told God, “I am the only one left.” God then spoke to him. He vented his problem to God in prayer. Prayer is your best source – then listen to what God says.
- Take control of the situation – what are my options. How do I respond to the situation?