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Rebuilding the Broken Family Altars in our Homes

One of the greatest privileges available to the believer is the ability to communicate with our divine creator through the discipline of prayer.  The Lord desires to establish a relationship with His people.  In order to have a relationship there must be communication.

Prayer has been a neglected discipline in the Church today.  Most believers struggle with prayerlessness.  Perhaps one of the most common sins today is the sin of prayerlessness.  When we fail to pray we become weak and anemic spiritually.  We open a door and give access to the enemy into our lives.

The Bible defines the Church as a “House of Prayer.”  We must transition from being a Church that prays and become a “House of Prayer.”  Your family and home should be defined as a “Home of Prayer.”  Prayer must saturate our lives and become a part of everything we do as people of God. 

We are living in the last days and we are in what the Bible defines as perilous or dangerous times.  I want to encourage you to join with me in the month of November in praying together as a family.  Someone has wisely said, “The family that prays together stays together.”  God wants your family to be strong, your children and grandchildren to have a loving relationship with Him.  He wants you to have your needs supplied financially and emotionally.  He has a plan for your life and wants you to realize your destiny as individuals. 

We are too busy.  We must set time aside to pray for one another’s health, well-being and safety.  You have the responsibility to teach your family to pray.  We must rebuild the broken family altars in our homes.

We are designating November as a month to "Pray Together."  Every Monday night we are encouraging the families of our church to gather for prayer together at the family altar at 9 PM.  To encourage you we are scheduling conference call prayer times for the following dates:

Wednesday nights, November 4, 11, and 18 at 9:00 PM.  For more information go to


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