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A New Assignment, A New Mantle, and A New Territory - Part One

What is going on in our society? Destructive storms, political corruption, and chaos in the financial markets. What's happening? We are experiencing shaking. God is shaking the earth. Hebrews 12:26 – 27 - “Whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying, “Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven.” Verse 27 - "Now this, “Yet once more,” indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain."

God is shaking the financial markets. Markets all over the world have been affected by the housing problems in America. What do we do? We must not panic, because God is going to open new streams of revenue and supply in the coming days for His children. He is also shaking the nations of the earth and their governments. Why? Because He is bringing nations into alignment for His last day plans.

This shaking is also occurring in the Church. To shake literally means to move violently. Why is God shaking the Church? He is dealing with religion! Religious spirits cannot endure persecution and shaking. Religion has held God’s people in bondage for much too long. He is shaking the church to remove those things in our lives that have held us in bondage.

This shaking is being caused by the "winds of change" that are blowing across the Church. There are three new things that will be a result of this shaking: 1) A new assignment; 2) A new mantle; and 3) A new territory.

God has a new assignment for His people. We have entered into a new season. Many prominent prophetic voices declared that 2007 was a year of completion. For many it was a season where God did a work of completion in their lives. Many of us in the Church completed a cycle. I believe that God visited us and that His word to us corporately was to come into completion. For that to happen we had to let go of some old things, so that we could embrace some new things. Deuteronomy 1:6 - “The LORD our God spoke to us in Horeb, saying: ‘You have dwelt long enough at this mountain.”

God desires to break you out of the cycle. The cycle of repeating the same things over and over again. It is time to break out of the cycle of those things that have held you in bondage.
We have currently entered into a season of new beginnings, yet many of you have had difficulty getting traction in this new season. Why? Because the enemy has tried to prevent you from entering into the new assignment that God has for you.

We are in the early moments of the new day. There is a new assignment for us. What is it? Many of you already have glimpses of the plan, but you must seek the Lord for the strategy and the new relationships that He will bring into your life to enable you to complete the assignment. What is our new assignment? To pray for our families to be transformed by the power of the Gospel. To also see the region God has placed us in transformed through the power of God.

God has strategically placed you where you are as a representative of His kingdom. He will bring you into new relationships, and even renew some old relationships in order to help you shape your future and fulfill the call He has placed on your life. This will be a season where we see the prophetic promises, dreams, and visions that He has given you begin to take shape and be fulfilled. Get ready because God is giving you a new assignment.


Unknown said…
Wow!!! I really appreciate the voice of the Holy Spirit flowing thru you to us His people. I am so blessed to be a part of Kingsway Christian Center. Thank you Pastor's for your committment to the things of God. My spirit leaped for joy when reading the articles. I say YES to the shift, to change, to favor, to divine order.

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