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Showing posts from 2010

The Life Changing Benefits of Fasting

One of the greatest disciplines available to the New Testament Church is the discipline of fasting. Fasting is a powerful tool in our arsenal. We are called to fast and pray. Pastor Mahesh Chavda writes, “Nearly every Christian I have talked with has had some questions and misconceptions about fasting.” Fasting is a discipline that we have neglected in the twenty first century church. This fast is to prepare God's people for Spiritual leadership for the new season we are entering into. This new season will bring unprecedented change into our personal lives and our society. How are we going to embrace the new things we are entering into? Are we going to make a decision that we are going to awake from our slumber and let the world know that we are here! Most churches in America have fallen asleep. We are caught up in materialism and the pursuit of pleasure instead of doing the perfect will of God. Our society is in trouble.  This troubled society demands a response from the church....

21 Days of Fasting and Prayer – Positioned for Harvest – January 2-22, 2011

Scriptures and Quotes on Fasting: Joel 2:12-13 – "Now, therefore," says the LORD, "Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning." So rend your heart, and not your garments; Return to the LORD your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness; and He relents from doing harm." The Apostle James says, "Come near to God and He will come near to you. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up." Bill Bright says, "Fasting prepares us for the deepest and richest spiritual communion possible. It clears and liberates our minds to understand what God is saying to our spirits. It conditions our bodies to carry out His perfect will." Preparing for the Fast: Bill Bright gives us the following suggestions about preparing for your fast in his book, "The Coming Revival." Set a specific objective – Why are you fasting? We are fasting at South Greenwood t...

Give Me My Mountain

The story of Caleb is a story of victory, perseverance, and reward. It teaches us that God keeps His Word to us when we stay faithful to Him. Caleb realized His promise when he was 85 years old. He was delayed, but He was not denied. Joshua 24:12 records his words, “ Now therefore, give me this mountain of which the Lord spoke in that day.” This mountain was his promised inheritance. You and I have a promised inheritance. What is our inheritance? Psalms 2:8 - “Ask of Me and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, and the ends of the earth as your possession.” A part of our inheritance is the harvest that God has appointed for us to reap. I believe that there are some Caleb’s who have carried some long term promises that God has kept for this hour and is now going to bring them forth. Are you ready to possess your promise and take your mountain? This is our time for breakthrough! This is our moment. Don’t miss the opportunity that God will give to you in this seaso...

Seasons of God

Ecclesiastes 3:1 reads, "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven:" There are 28 different seasons in this passage of Scripture. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) God is a God of seasons. Just as there are natural seasons there are spiritual seasons. There are winter seasons where things have to die, so that they will have the capacity to bring forth new life in the spring (next season). There are spring seasons where we till the ground, prepare the soil, and plant the seeds. This season is important, because it brings us to the summer and fall seasons where we work to reap what has been sown. There are several unique things about the four different seasons: Seasons have to do with humanity and our journey of faith. They relate to creation. There are 28 seasons. (8 x 4). Four is the number of creation. They are fixed laws in creation naturally and in the kingdom spiritually. They relate to man, and God deals with man in seasons, and brings us into differ...

Prayer for the Narrow Place

Dear Heavenly Father, Lord of the covenant, bend down and hear our prayer. Answer us in Your mercy, kindness, and unfailing love as we constantly call out to You. Protect us and save us for we serve You and trust You as our God. Lord, You are good and ready to hear our cry, offer forgiveness, and perform wonderful deeds as we wait and worship You. Give us happiness and teach us Your ways. Let us operate in truth and purity of heart, sincere, undivided and wholly fixed on You. Rescue us with Your love and compassion. Grant us new strength. Show us Your favor. You are great in who You are and what You do. May Your name be glorified as You demonstrate Your deliverance. Let all bow before You and praise Your holy name. (Psalm 86) Amen

UP – A United People

God is calling the local New Testament Church UP! He is calling us to rise UP in faith, to believe His promises, and possess our inheritance in Christ. He is calling us to be an UP people. What does the Bible have to say about being an UP people? Revelation 4:1 reads , "After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, "Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this." What do I mean by becoming an UP people? UP simply stands for a United People! If we are going to experience His power and anointing in a new way then we must become an UP people. We must unite together as one. How will this happen? It will take the anointing of the Holy Spirit to make it happen. Unity is a product of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 4:2 reads, " Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." How do we position ourselves t...

The Wilderness Season is Over

Recently the Lord spoke very clearly to me and said, “The wilderness season is over.” The Body of Christ has been in a wilderness season. It is time for us to cross over into our promised inheritance and possess our promises. I believe that the wilderness season is coming to a close. When the children of Israel were enslaved in bondage they began to cry out to God for deliverance. God heard their cries and spoke to Moses through a burning bush in the wilderness, and commissioned him to lead them out of Egypt and back to the land that He had promised them through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Promised Land was a land that flowed with milk and honey. It was given to Abraham and was their promised inheritance. Like the children of Israel God is calling us to rise up in faith and possess our promised inheritance in Him. Several weeks ago we celebrated Passover. Before God delivered the children of Israel out of Egypt He instituted the Passover. Passover marks the beginning of the...

Revival's Coming to our Land

Revival's coming to our land. A powerful outpouring from God's hand. Revival's coming in waves of power to all who will believe. The Spirit's instructions are enlarge your heart's capacity to receive. Revival is coming as a mighty raging fire. It will cleanse the sinners and believers inspire. Revival is coming as a rushing mighty wind. God says, "Church be ready for what I will send." Revival's coming - His blessing will fall like rain. It will release those held captive and heal those held in prisons of pain. Revival's coming with thunder and lightning God's voice will be heard. Will we be ready to hear His word! Revival's coming its time to pray. Revival's coming to a people who say - No matter the price we are willing to pay. W. Terry Baily 2/28/1998

A Normal or Abnormal Church

I don’t want to have church as usual but I want to experience an outpouring from heaven. We need to have a renewed sense of mission and a renewed sense of direction. Too many within the church have fallen into a rut and have allowed the winds of adversity to blow them off course. We must get back to Spirit-Filled living. God longs to pour out His Spirit upon and within His church. Recently the Lord began to deal with me about being a normal or abnormal church. I don’t know what kind of church that you are looking for, but I know what kind of church God is looking for! What we call normal, God calls abnormal! What God calls abnormal we call normal. The following items will help us distinguish between a normal or abnormal church: A Normal Church is predictable and refuses to embrace what God is Saying. An Abnormal Church is unpredictable and spends time listening to God’s voice. A Normal Church does the same things and you can set your clock by...

Time to Cross Over

Recently in prayer, I felt that the Lord was saying, "It is time to cross over." We are close to the Passover Season. Passover represents a time of crossing over. In Mark 4:35 we read the words of Jesus, " On the same day, when evening had come, He said to them, let us cross over to the other side." Why did Jesus feel compelled to cross over to the side? He felt to cross over because there was an assignment on the other side with a man with an unclean spirit. This is a season to cross over into your new assignment. God always has an assignment for you. We must find what God is asking of us? Please note in Mark 4:36-41 that Jesus and His disciples encountered a storm on the Sea of Galilee as they endeavored to cross over to the other side. I believe there is a principle here. When you endeavor to cross over into your new assignment and enter your new season, you will encounter a battle or a storm designed to prevent you from crossing over into your inher...

Winds of Adversity Part 3 – Extreme Pressure

The third wind of adversity in our four part series on the Winds of Adversity is extreme pressure. One of the winds of adversity that we are dealing with today is anxiety and pressure. "The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith; and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety." — George Muller The Bible addresses anxiety in a number of places. Daniel 7:25 teaches that one of the tactics of the enemy is to "wear out the saints." The enemy's strategy is to wear us down with extreme pressure. Anxiety and extreme pressure will leave you emotionally drained – exhausted, and without hope. Many of you are experiencing great pressure. Satan's plan is to wear you out physically and emotionally, and move you out of God's timing. Daniel 7:25 reads, "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws:" What does the Bible say about dealing with anxiety? Anxi...

Four Winds of Adversity - Part Two

There are four different winds of adversity that are going to come against the believer in this season of God. We should expect adversity as we enter into the new season that God has for us. The first wind of adversity that you are going to encounter will be frustration. The second wind of adversity that many of you are going to experience is perplexity. To be perplexed means to be puzzled. The Merriman-Webster Dictionary defines perplexed as “filled with uncertainty, full of difficulty.” The Apostle Paul wrote these words in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 – “We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.” The American Heritage Dictionary defines perplexity “as being filled with confusion or bewilderment, puzzled.” Some of you are walking through a time of perplexity. You are puzzled by what is going on around you. You don’t understand why you are confused o...

Prayer for the New Year by Beth Bailey

Dear Father: I praise You as You hear my prayer. Forgive me of transgressions and iniquitous patterns in my generations. Cause me to be drawn to You and experience Your goodness. Show me Your mighty deeds, confidence, strength, and power. Still everything around me and enable me to rejoice from morning until evening. Visit me, enrich me, and provide all you have prepared for me. Watch over and bless me. Crown my year with goodness and guide me as I follow your path with abundance. Let me prosper in your joy as you place songs in my heart. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen. Psalm 65

Entering into 2010

The year 2010 is an important because it is the first year in a new decade. It is hard to believe that we are now ten years into the 21st Century. We are entering into the second decade of the 21st Century. Why is the first year important? Because we must position ourselves in this coming new year. The way we respond to what God says to us and where He places us will establish us for the upcoming decade. I have recently been praying for direction for the new year. What does God have for us in 2010? Why do we need prophetic direction for the coming year? We need prophetic direction so that we can consecrate ourselves and draw closer to God. We need direction so that we can enter into all that God has for us as His people. Amos 3:7 reads, "“Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.” Dr. Chuck Pierce recently taught, “We need to understand the times and the seasons of the Lord, Pierce explained how the church has come ...