In a recent prayer time the Lord spoke the following words to me. “There is a new sound that will begin to arise out of the earth. It is the sound of the marching of angels. Just as David heard the marching of angels in the top of the Mulberry trees you will begin to hear the sound of the marching in the Mulberry trees (2 Samuel 5:24). The Lord is stirring something in the earth. There is a new sound of worship arising. There is a new sound of healing and a new sound of deliverance that is about to arise. The Lord is bringing it forth out of Australia. ‘It will come from down under,’ says the Lord. It will come from down under and it will spread across the islands in the Pacific. It will spread across that region and the area of Oceania. It will then spread out to the United States and up into Canada. It will spread down into Latin America and even into South America. The sound that is about to come forth ...
REVIVAL TALK is the Blog of Dr. W. Terry Bailey, Lead Pastor of South Greenwood IPHC