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Showing posts from March, 2012

Palm Sunday Devotional

--> Palm Sunday – The Triumphant Entry Matthew 21             The twenty-first chapter of Matthew gives a vivid word picture of the Triumphant Entry of Christ into the Holy City of Jerusalem just five days prior to His death. The timing of His entry into Jerusalem was very important. His entry occurred on the tenth day of the month in the spring. Five days later on the fourteenth day of the month Passover was to be celebrated. This entry was important because the Passover lamb was taken up and set apart on this day.   The lamb had to be set apart for four days to make sure there were no blemishes. Jesus is our Passover lamb.   He was our substitute and sacrifice for sin on the cross at Calvary. The law of Moses commanded that the Passover lamb be set apart and inspected by the priest on the tenth day of the month before Passover in Exodus 12:3. When He made His public entry into Jerusalem He was prese...

First Things First - Five Things God is Requiring of His People in 2012

Five things that God is requiring of His people in 2012       Every believer should be defined by these five characteristics. Why five? Because five is the Biblical number that represents grace. These five actions will define our mission for 2009 and beyond. Everything that we do will be defined and measured by these five actions: 1. Worship – Psalms 95:6 – “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. Verse 7 – “For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.” A. Worship will change the atmosphere. True worship will create an opening in the heavens. B. We must learn to ascend in worship so that we may descend in warfare. 2. Warfare – I Timothy 1:18 – “This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare.” A. Warfare will involve intercession. We must be a people who he...