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Showing posts from 2011

Rebuilding the Broken Altar of Prayer

In Matthew 21: 12-13 , “ Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. 13 And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’” Jesus made this declaration, “My house shall be called a house of prayer!”  I believe that God is calling us back to the altar of prayer.  For several weeks the Lord has dealt with me about rebuilding the broken altar of prayer in our personal and corporate lives.  If we are going to see spiritual breakthrough in our churches and communities then we must rebuild and return to the altar of prayer. Wayman Rogers writes, “The ministry of prayer is the most important of all ministries in the church.  Prayer creates the atmosphere and binds the powers of darkness so the gospel of Jesus can go forward and the church can prosper....

The Fourth Month - The Month to See

In 1 Chronicles 12:32 we learn that the Sons of Issachar had an understanding of the times and knew what Israel ought to do.  Like the sons of Issachar, we need to have an understanding of the times.  We are in a time of uncertainty and fear, therefore we need prophetic insight into what God has for us and desires to do in our lives. For some time I have been praying and asking God to give me insight into how He moves in time. The Sons of Issachar were masters of the calendar.  In Exodus 12:2 the Lord establishes the Hebrew calendar. “This month shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you.” The Hebrew calendar begins at Passover.  This is the calendar that God ordained and introduced in the Bible.  To better understand how God moves in times you can study the Hebrew calendar and the patterns that have been established in the Word of God.  Our Gregorian calendar is on a different time cycle than the Word of God. Each ...

Surviving and Thriving in Perilous Times

Over the last few years we have watched in disbelief as our nation suffered terrorist attacks, went through the disaster of Hurricane Katrina, which was one of the costliest disasters in history. The Gulf region is still recovering from the devastation. Many of us have watched the upheaval in North Africa and the Middle East.  Dictators and monarchs who have reigned for decades have suddenly come under fire and had to step down from office.  What is happening?  We are witnessing the great shaking the Bible tells us will come in the last days.  We are witnessing a realignment of the nations of the earth for God's last day plan. Some time ago as I was praying the Lord began to deal with me about preaching on God’s Survival Plan for Perilous Times. We are living in perilous times. The word perilous means dangerous. Webster's Dictionary defines perilous as “involving peril, which means exposure to harm or injury, danger or peril.” Most believers agree that we are liv...

God Sets Before Us Blessings or Curses

Deuteronomy 30:19 teaches us that God has set before us both blessings and curses. Disobedience to the Word of God will bring a curse upon our lives. Malachi 3:9 teaches us that a failure to tithe on our income will bring a divine curse. Malachi the prophet told Israel that they were under a curse because they had refused to bring their tithes and offerings to the Lord. As believers we have the responsibility of being obedient stewards of the resources that God has entrusted to each of us. In order to be obedient we must be faithful to bring our tithe and offerings into the storehouse. Leviticus 27:32 reads, “…The tenth (tithe) shall be holy unto the Lord.” Leviticus 27: 30-34 teaches us that the tithe belongs to the Lord. Malachi 3:10 instructs us to “bring all the tithes into the storehouse…” To obey the precepts of God’s Word brings blessings into our lives. To disobey brings a curse. When we give to God what He requires from a thankful heart then we will be blessed in th...

Entering into 2011

At the beginning of each year I like to spend time in prayer concerning the New Year. I believe that God has spoken prophetically about the following things that will begin and continue through 2011: This will be a year to finish. God is going to bring completion to some things that He started in the last season. Things that have been left incomplete are going to come to completion. Hebrews 12:2 – “looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Philippians 1:6 – “being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;” This will be a year to recover. Some things that have been lost or stolen in the past season are going to be recovered in the coming season of God. Some are going to clearly hear, “Pursue and recover all.” 1 Samuel 30:8 - So David inquired of the ...