Recently the Lord spoke very clearly to me and said, “The wilderness season is over.” The Body of Christ has been in a wilderness season. It is time for us to cross over into our promised inheritance and possess our promises. I believe that the wilderness season is coming to a close. When the children of Israel were enslaved in bondage they began to cry out to God for deliverance. God heard their cries and spoke to Moses through a burning bush in the wilderness, and commissioned him to lead them out of Egypt and back to the land that He had promised them through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Promised Land was a land that flowed with milk and honey. It was given to Abraham and was their promised inheritance. Like the children of Israel God is calling us to rise up in faith and possess our promised inheritance in Him. Several weeks ago we celebrated Passover. Before God delivered the children of Israel out of Egypt He instituted the Passover. Passover marks the beginning of the...
REVIVAL TALK is the Blog of Dr. W. Terry Bailey, Lead Pastor of South Greenwood IPHC