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See It, Say it, Sorted, Part Two - Say it

On a recent trip to the United Kingdom, we took trains to and from London to Norwich and Wales. I also took the train to Gatwick Airport to fly to Scotland for a ministry appointment. We utilized the London underground for most of our travel across the city. On each of the trains we heard the following announcement at each station. “If you see something that doesn’t feel right, speak to staff or text the British Transport Police, we will sort it. See it, Say it, Sorted.” This is the British safety campaign to help keep the travelers safe on the trains.     The details of the campaign are as follows:   ·        We’re asking rail passengers and people who use railway stations to help keep themselves and others safe by reporting unusual items or activity on the railway. ·        We’ve all got a role to play in keeping the rail network safe, and we rely on you to be our eyes and ears. We heard the phrase “see it, say...
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